iTEX CONFERENCE : 8th October 2019

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iTEX conference, which will take place on October 8, 2019 at the Vienna House Andel’s hotel in Łódź. The conference is one of the most anticipated events of this year, which will become a platform for the exchange of experiences and knowledge of experts, specialists and practitioners.

The leitmotif of the event will be VUCA, which is a name applied to a series of phenomena currently observed around the world. We live in a world of continuous market and generational changes and requirements imposed not only on employees but also on employers, which is why in the introduction we will invite you to reflect on the changing environment.


I will be speaking at Workshop 2 around 12 noon so make sure not to miss.

To sign up or participate, check out the website for full details:-

Location: Vienna House Andel’sUl. Ogrodowa 17, 91-065 Łódź